As Council looks to its forward planning for Road Renewal works - I would like to hear from you about the top priorities in Gosford West Ward.

Renewal works are undertaken to bring a road in poor condition back to its original condition or to extend its life. It includes crack sealing, road rehabilitation and resurfacing of the pavement.

Renewal does not provide “new” infrastructure where they don’t already exist (e.g. kerb and gutter or footpaths).

I would like to hear from you. What do you think should be the top priorities for road renewal works?

QR code roadrenewalComplete my survey by scanning the QR Code - or click on the link here.

The survey will be open until 10am on Friday, 17 January.


Posted: 10 January 2025


Central Coast NEW Independents stand for:

  • Supporting local groups and community voices to protect and enhance what we love for future generations
  • Giving communities an effective voice
  • Accountability and transparency in Council's actions and decision making
  • Better planning that retains the character of the Central Coast while providing the infrastructure that the community needs
  • Working with the local community to identify priorities for improving local roads, drainage and footpaths
  • Protecting our COSS lands, open space and the places we love - urban reserves, the bushland, waterways and beaches
  • Creating new local jobs, supporting existing and new sustainable industries
  • Working with local communities to better understand and prepare for the impacts of climate change and extreme weather events
  • Providing efficient and cost effective waste and recycling services
  • Protecting our drinking water catchments and agricultural lands

Clr Jane Smith resized