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As a Councillor, there are a range of issues and matters that I would like to explore with the advice and input of others that can contribute expertise.

In 2025, I will be forming a “Reference Committee” that provides an opportunity to discuss and investigate some key issues—these might be related to governance, planning, community, local economy and / or the environment. 

EOIs are due Wed, 22 January 2025. 

Initial thinking is that the reference committee would meet bi-monthly for approx. 2 hours for an initial period of 12 months.

I am looking for a small group of individuals that are willing to give of their time and expertise. Participation would be on a voluntary basis. 

I am an Independent Councillor - not aligned to any politcal party - working to act in the best interests of our residents, ratepayers and wider community. Although members of political parties are not excluded from participating in the Reference Committee, participants would need to declare any affiliations and demonstrate that their priority is to act in the interests of the community, not a particular group or political party.

If you have skills, knowledge or expertise that you are willing to contribute - then please send an EOI to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. - outlining the following:

  1. Background and personal details (eg. address / contact details)
  2. Expertise and professional experience
  3. Affiliations and or memberships / participation in groups - both political and other
  4. Your particular interest in terms of governance, planning, community, local economy and / or the environment. 
  5. Three top priorities that you would like to be considered by the Reference Committee

Please ensure that your EOI is no longer than 2 A4 pages - a brief CV may be attached. EOIs are due by Wed, 22 January 2025.

Please note—this is not a formal Council committee - but an informal reference committee for Clr Jane Smith.

Please also note that I will be actively engaging with local Resident and Community groups in addition to establishing this Reference Committee.


Posted: 10 January 2025


Central Coast NEW Independents stand for:

  • Supporting local groups and community voices to protect and enhance what we love for future generations
  • Giving communities an effective voice
  • Accountability and transparency in Council's actions and decision making
  • Better planning that retains the character of the Central Coast while providing the infrastructure that the community needs
  • Working with the local community to identify priorities for improving local roads, drainage and footpaths
  • Protecting our COSS lands, open space and the places we love - urban reserves, the bushland, waterways and beaches
  • Creating new local jobs, supporting existing and new sustainable industries
  • Working with local communities to better understand and prepare for the impacts of climate change and extreme weather events
  • Providing efficient and cost effective waste and recycling services
  • Protecting our drinking water catchments and agricultural lands

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