Lisa trained as a teacher and has worked in environmental education over the last 20years. She was awarded the Gosford City Council Australia Day Community Award (Environment) in 2010.
This Award largely recognised her role in Kariong Eco Garden since it began in 2005. She has been active there ever since, gaining a reputation as the 'worm lady' due to her enthusiasm for composting and recycling food scraps in schools with the help of Worm Tubs made by a nearby Men's Shed. She is a mum with two teenage sons, connecting her with two high schools as a parent volunteer, the local soccer club and local Scouts over the years.
Lisa's faith is important to her and informs her valuing of community life that is respectful, compassionate and has integrity. Lisa has been employed part-time as a community campaigner for an environmental organisation since 2010 and is committed to making sure governments of all levels listen to the people.
She believes that good local government is critical for supporting strong, healthy and resilient communities.