COSS Supporters will continue the legacy of Beryl and Allen Strom, and many others, who fought to protect vital conservation areas on the Central Coast and across the State. 

We have national parks and the COSS system because of the efforts of our community, and we need more champions like them.

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If you stand in most places in the former Gosford Local Government Area (LGA), the southern part of the Central Coast, and look up to the ridges of the hills, you see vegetation. That is unique and, more importantly, that is COSS. 

No other LGA has a reserve system like it.

That is why we need Council and the community working together to ensure its protection and expansion.

Created in 1984, COSS is unique to the former Gosford Local Government Area. It consists of over 70 natural reserves managed by Council as well as private land identified in the COSS Strategy 2010.

COSS lands are set aside for plants, animals, nature-based recreation and to preserve the bushland character of the Central Coast. The COSS includes woodland ridges, rainforests, steep cliffs, wetlands, creeks and protects Aboriginal heritage. COSS provides a backdrop to urban areas and ensures residents live in thh vicinity of the natural environment.

COSS is continuing under Central Coast Council.COSS was established by the former Gosford Council. It is a network of reserves supporting native vegetation and managed by Council for a number of environmental and community values. The primary purpose is to maintain areas of native vegetation and habitat for native animals on public land.

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Central Coast NEW Independents stand for:

  • Supporting local groups and community voices to protect and enhance what we love for future generations
  • Giving communities an effective voice
  • Accountability and transparency in Council's actions and decision making
  • Better planning that retains the character of the Central Coast while providing the infrastructure that the community needs
  • Working with the local community to identify priorities for improving local roads, drainage and footpaths
  • Protecting our COSS lands, open space and the places we love - urban reserves, the bushland, waterways and beaches
  • Creating new local jobs, supporting existing and new sustainable industries
  • Working with local communities to better understand and prepare for the impacts of climate change and extreme weather events
  • Providing efficient and cost effective waste and recycling services
  • Protecting our drinking water catchments and agricultural lands

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